Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"Fast Trip, Long Drop" Gregg Bordowitz 1993

Hey all,
Thinking about the exhibit "Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star" (named after the Sonic Youth album) about 1993 US art that was up in the New Museum earlier this year in NYC. A lot of self-representational pieces, though, with what we are learning about objects, I suppose every piece made by the artist is self-representational.

There was one in particular which I think we can all learn from, enjoy, etc. It is called "Fast Trip, Long Drop", and it is about the artist's venture into getting treated for HIV, also tying in bits about his relationship with his father and his father's lineage. There is stock footage, home movies, video shot by the artist (self-portraiture), as well as an interview segment. It really is influencing my approach on this assignment we are doing.

I have ordered it off of Summit! So it will be here soon, and we can watch it, maybe in the screening room, or at a NFM party!

fast-trip-long-drop (info)
an article on the film

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Captain Beefheart Self Identification Video


Beefheart in distance with projected images of Joshua Tree, speaks of art and the desert "I like the way you-" "I am just combing my hair" ; "The difference between the desert and the ocean is the ocean is wet.. the desert is just dried up ocean" ; ; ; ;

Using images of Joshua Tree to speak of his self 

Wowee Go B. Heart Go B. Heart

Salvador Dali: A Soft Self Portrait 1967

Surrealism has been a huge influence on my writing, photography, and painting style. Here is a wonderful experimental documentary made by Dali and others in the late 60s. Have fun watching! You should all check out UBU.com's vast archive of film and sound. It has anyone and everyone you can think of. The link for the Doc is below.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Crash Course on the tube

"Six awesome courses in one awesome channel: John Green teaches you US History and Hank Green teaches you Chemistry. Check out the playlists for past courses in World History, Biology, Literature, and Ecology."

What do you know, sometimes advertisements CAN yield educational benefits... just found CrashCourse, a channel on youtube educating peeps about history, science, the works, using animation and other interesting tools.

It's an interesting approach to widening access to knowledge, though anything called "Crash Course" is bound to carry some problematic assumptions/consequences, especially if we're approaching history in a very sure-fire linear way. What do you think about this approach? Where do you think the filmmakers are coming from, what is being presumed? Or, what isn't being said?

Find more of them here : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX6b17PVsYBQ0ip5gyeme-Q

Thursday, November 7, 2013